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Accepted - What's Next?

Congratulations on your acceptance!

We are thrilled that you chose Missouri Southern and can't wait to welcome you to the Lion Pride! Below you will find some helpful steps to get you ready for the upcoming semester.

  1. Log in to the student portal. Use the same credentials you used when applying to Missouri Southern. Once logged in, you'll land on the Welcome page.
  2. Find your temporary password. Scroll to the bottom of the Welcome page to locate your 12-character PIN. This temporary password grants you access to all MSSU platforms, including email, Lionet, and Blackboard.
  3. Access your decision letter. At the top of the portal, click on the “Applications” tab. Look for the gold envelope icon and click on it to view your decision letter.
  4. Review your decision letter. Your decision letter includes important details such as your student ID, login, and email address. You’ll need this information along with the temporary PIN to access MSSU student platforms.

Contact the Admissions Office at or 417-625-9378 if you have any questions.